An investment in knowledge
Tutor Profile

Masters -- Computer Science.


£45 (per hour)

Disclosure & Barring Service

CRB/DBS Standard

CRB/DBS Enhanced

Evan Davis Selianitis

I am an experienced OCR A-Level/GCSE and AQA A-Level Computer Science teacher and Examiner with multiple years of teaching in UK Secondary schools, currently teaching A-Level and GCSE Computer Science. I have several years of tutoring experience both at A-Level and GCSE. Expert in bespoke OCR/AQA NEA Support.

Exclusive Online Learning - Lessons taught online on a dedicated, exclusive Classroom. One Student. One Classroom.
Exclusive – Tailored Resources - Students benefit from exclusive, non-publicly available resources, tailor-made to their needs following their personal tutoring plan.
Excellent Destinations - Students achieve their desired destinations, to include Oxbridge, Russell 20 Universities, 6th Form or College.

Subjects Offered


Evan Davis Selianitis is available.

How can I help?

Contact the tutor, to discuss your requirements before committing to a meeting or booking a tutorial.