An investment in knowledge
Tutor Profile

BA HONS Education with Qualified Teaching Status (QTS) -- Primary Education with Creative Arts at Brunel University.


£20.00 (per hour)

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CRB/DBS Standard

CRB/DBS Enhanced

Carla Rosenthal

I didn't like school as a child so when I got older and had to work, I became a teacher! I wanted to make school more fun and as a primary classroom teacher in London, on the Isle of Wight and in Southampton, I can honestly say all my pupils had a great time learning about our world and how to live in it using language and numbers and colours and music.

Sometimes, sitting in a classroom can be very boring but now with online learning, it can be achieved in your kitchen, your back yard or from the squishiness of your sofa. Comfort learning is much more enjoyable if we are to acquire new knowledge.

If you don't like school and find lessons boring, don't worry, so do I and that is why I can help you learn what you need to know without it becoming a chore. Do you want to do science experiments that involve finding out if ketchup makes a good cleaning product? Would you like to know why wearing a silly hat helps you to learn that 6x7=42? Excellent, you have come to the right tutor. Incidentally, history and geography are also important so sometimes (depending on the weather), I will be teaching from my caravan to give you virtual school trips from exciting places. 

Plus, I have a teaching assistant called Sasha who is a dog but can help with some tricky questions which I can understand because I am fluent in Dog. I can also translate and speak Cat and Tortoise but my French and German are still quite basic.

On a personal note, I have not taught in school since just before my first child was born. I have a son and daughter (21 and 19 respectively) who have now 'grown up' and moved out. After several years running my own cleaning and gardening business whilst studying and completing a MSc in Systems Thinking in Practice with the OU, I have spent the last year in publishing and am a technical editor for an independent publishing house which specialises in military history. I am a keen seventeenth century reenactor and my role is to portray a single woman in the period during the English Civil War. 

From January 2024, I am looking to supplement my work in publishing and return to teaching but from a home based, remote environment. Technology has enabled learning to become multi-faceted which is particularly important for children (and teachers) who really do not like the school environment. As a red-head, being sensitive is in my DNA and the daily grind of school was possibly one of the worst experiences of my childhood. However, it does not mean that learning needs to be inhibited. 

My aim is to tutor and nurture your child to enjoy the quest for knowledge without making it become a horror. If you would like to find out more in how I can help with tutoring in the major subjects up to Key Stage 2, please get in touch. My hours can be flexible but I do not usually work on the weekends.


Subjects Offered


Carla Rosenthal is available.

How can I help?

Contact the tutor, to discuss your requirements before committing to a meeting or booking a tutorial.