An investment in knowledge
Tutor Profile

A Levels -- Chemistry, Mathematics, Geography.


£15 (per hour)

Disclosure & Barring Service

CRB/DBS Standard

CRB/DBS Enhanced

Neha Kulkarni

I love the subjects that I studied in my A Levels and I want to bring the same passion in my students. I prioritise creating an inclusive learning environment that caters to the needs of each student. Furthermore, I believe in creating a trusting and open relationship where my students are enthusiastic about learning, overcoming challenges and not being afraid to make mistakes. I allow my students to ask me questions at any time which I aim to answer within 24 hours.

I am currently studying 1st year Geology at UCL. This degree encapsulates all of Maths, Chemistry, and Geography together which equips me with a deeper understanding of the subjects. I tutor Chemistry (OCR A), Mathematics (Edexcel), and Geography (AQA).


Subjects Offered


Neha Kulkarni is available.

How can I help?

Contact the tutor, to discuss your requirements before committing to a meeting or booking a tutorial.