An investment in knowledge
Tutor Profile

BSc and MSc -- Mathematical Science and Information Systems Management.


£30 (per hour)

Disclosure & Barring Service

CRB/DBS Standard

CRB/DBS Enhanced

Fiona Wrate

I have worked as a full time teacher in both primary and secondary for the past 15 years. Alongside this I have tutored for over 10 years at both primary and secondary levels, either working towards exams or just to improve understanding for children who need more support.   

I have also worked as an examiner at both KS2 and KS4 for over 5 years which supports my development as a teacher/tutor to understand how to help and explain common misconceptions children have in their understanding. 

I am passionate about my work and love to share this with my tutees.  


Subjects Offered


Fiona Wrate is available.

How can I help?

Contact the tutor, to discuss your requirements before committing to a meeting or booking a tutorial.